Too many details in the photo will make it look disorganized, like a family snap-shot of the christmas tree.
Evaluate your situation. In front of you are all the elements of a still-life photograph. As opposed to the stop-action, fleeting moment of excitement image, the still-life is the artist's opportunity to convey a sense of order, stillness, peace, retrospection and charged with atmosphere. Here you are in control, you can arrange the elements, and choose your camera angle or viewpoint.
Viewpoint is the most important
means of controlling the image. Changing your position just a little
can transform the whole composition. So find several different ways
to shoot your photo.
Important viewpoint considerations:
1. Frame the subject to eliminate
extraneous or distracting details like horizons, and things in the background
that will look like they are growing out of the subject.
2. Make use of color or tonal
contrasts between the subject and the background.
For more of HM Groups photos, check out this Astrology Site:The Spirit Cave